Although the GALAXY Trend and Star Pro have been available in India for quite some time, Samsung has now made a formal announcement. The phones are powered by a single-core processor clocked at 1 GHz. Besides that, both the handsets sport a 4" screen with 480x800 pixels, dual-SIM support, 3G, Wi-Fi, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB internal storage, microSD card slot, 1500 mAh battery. The design is same too. The only significant differentiator I can find here is that the GALAXY Trend sports a slightly better (so to speak) 3 Megapixel camera, whereas the Star Pro comes with a 2 MP snapper.
The phones support nine regional languages including Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Telegu, and Tamil. The GALAXY Trend is priced at Rs 8300, while the Start Pro is available for Rs 6800. Needless to say, these two smartphones are meant to compete with the Nokia Lumia 520, which is doing exceptionally well in India. The Lumia 520 comes with a dual-core processor, 5 megapixel camera, smooth UI, and a better IPS screen. On the other hand, you can imagine how "well" Android 4.1 will perform on a single-core processor (most probably the age-old A5). So it's quite clear that Samsung will require a big marketing push to convince the consumers. But hey, it shouldn't be difficult for a company that sold tonnes of GALAXY Grand.
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