Bangalore: BlackBerry has finally resumed the launch of their cross-platform messenger service for Android and iOS. The release was scheduled for 21st and 22nd of September for Android and iOS respectively, however the leakage of an apk BBM file, made the handset makers abort the plan.
Official Blackberry website carried an announcement that they were about to officially resume the rollout of BBM app for Android and iOS platforms. The download will be absolutely free and the app can be found in Google’s Play store, App Store and selected Samsung App stores across the globe.
Blackberry said that the demand for BBM on Android and iPhone continued despite them terminating the launch. “About six million people signed up for information about BBM at As you know, in just seven hours, about one million Android users were using the unreleased version of BBM for Android,” said the blog which added that there were more than a million of downloads through alternate ways.
The company recommends its customers to download the app directly from website even though Google’s Play Store offers the same facility. Once the app is installed the user will be prompted to enter e-mail address to which the notification will be send upon reaching their turn.
The apk file of BBM for Android was out before 7 hours of the official release scoring a collective 1 million download. The unreleased version brought trouble which Blackberry was trying to fix. The modifications made by the company for flawless launch of the app can be known shortly.
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