My Blogs

Monday, 5 November 2012

Yahoo and Samsung announce multi-year interactive TV partnership

DNP Yahoo and Samsung announce multiyear smart tv partnership
We've had mixed feelings about Yahoo's Connected TV platform, but Samsung appears to think that itsthe next big thing. The two mega corporations announced a multi-year partnership on Monday that will bring the restructuring internet company's interactive television software to Samsung's 2012 lineup of smart TVs. Far from the traditional clunky Facebook and Twitter smart TV apps, Yahoo's setup brings interactive content to the programming that you're watching, such as trivia, program statistics and other types of playable games. You'll also have the option to use your smartphone or tablet as a surrogate remote control to view and share additional interactive content. As promising as this may sound, our biggest concern here is that this feature also recognizes commercials and may offer additional advertisements on top of the ones that you're already viewing. Programming partners currently include: Showtime and National Geographic, which makes us wonder what kind of ad suggestions will run during episodes of Dexter -- knives, duct tape and plastic wrap, anyone?

The first "all hands" meeting of a CEO is always a time for high drama, so we're expecting big things tomorrow. New boss Marissa Mayer is telling employees about her plans to turn around the faded internet giant on Tuesday, with the same slides she used in closed-door board meetings in an act of "radical transparency." Yahoo's fortunes have been on the slide for a while, after Scott Thompson'sscandal-ridden departurepatent clashessecurity breaches and the sale of its Alibaba stake in order to spend $3.65 billion on quelling a shareholder revolution.
A report from AllThingsD says that Mayer's likely to introduce progress and goal tracking as a measure of performance. The new system will run from the company as a whole right down to individual employees, something that she picked up from her tenure at Mountain View. The same report has revealed that Mayer's pushing to improve the consumer experience in its Homepage, Mail and Flickr offerings (amongst others) at the expense of advertising -- a move that'll win her plenty of fans used to the minimalist Google homepage.

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