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Saturday, 25 August 2012

Apple's $1,049,343,540 victory: Google, don't tread on me

Samsung Electronics isn't the only one stinging from today's overwhelming defeat at the hands of Apple; this is a massive blow to Google and Android too.
A San Jose, Calif., district court jury today awarded Apple $1.05 billion in damages after it found Samsung had willfully copied the various design cues of the iPhone and iPad. In doing so, it just laid a smack-down on the entire Android community.
While the monetary damages are significant, they pale in comparison to the precedent set by this jury that Apple's design patents are valid and worth protection, giving it license to go after any company with a similar looking product. That's bad news for any company building an Android smartphone or tablet.
"This is a big loss for Google," said Roger Entner, an analyst at Recon Analytics. "There were actually two parties being sued by Apple. Google just wasn't named."
That Samsung will appeal the case is a virtual certainty, but that's beside the point. The decision will reverberate around the world, likely affecting the myriad of other cases being heard in multiple courts in different countries. Apple has another face-off against Samsung in an appeals case that more directly ties into Google and a patent over universal search, and Apple will be the one with momentum on its side.
So yes, the battle may rage on for another few years. But thanks to this decision, public perception will be on Apple's side. The decision was so lopsided that it has to make all of the other Android partners a bit nervous. While an appeal is an option, it doesn't look good.
"The verdict is certainly indicative of what could happen in future cases," said Brian Love, a law professor at Santa Clara University. "And certainly this is something that lawyers and managers of other Android partners are considering. They have to think about what their chances are for success now."
Samsung decried the ruling, warning it would hurt consumers.
"Today's verdict should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer," Samsung said in a statement. "It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices."

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